Here is a 1965 promotional film (what they used to call music videos) the Beatles made for one of their best pre-Sgt. Pepper singles, "Ticket to Ride". I love how poorly (sometimes intentionally) they lip-synch. Only disingenuous performers could take lip-synching seriously, and the Beatles were usually all about being honest and cutting through the bull. I think Lennon looks particularly cool in this one. The camera frames his face in close-up a couple of times.
Within a year John Lennon would be writing lyrics such as Lay down all thought, surrender to the void ("Tomorrow Never Knows" off of Revolver)and "Always, no sometimes, think it's me, but you know I know when it's a dream" (from "Strawberry Fields Forever").
We were primed by "Yellow Submarine" and "Octopus's Garden"!
they were, are and always will be the greatest thing to happen to music since mozart. their catalogue is staggeringly brilliant!!!
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