Bond: Occasionally. I'm seem to be accident prone.
Mere screen caps couldn't capture all that is contained in the following fifty-four seconds of movie. Ladies and gentlemen, Bond as Ian Fleming intended:
The next day, Bond is forcefully taken to meet the Countess's father, Draco, who also knows the whereabouts of the man Bond has spent two years chasing after, the head of SPECTRE (the evil terrorist organization), Blofeld. As Bond is being led to a "meeting" with Draco, we hear this midget janitor whistling the theme to Goldfinger:

Bond: I'm superstitious.
Draco: A martini for our guest. Shaken, not stirred.
Draco will give Bond the location of Blofeld if he will agree to marry Countess Teresa.

Draco: What she needs is a man to dominate her. To make love to her enough to make her love him.
With the knowledge of the location of Blofeld (again, what 007 has been trying to obtain for two years), he heads for the M16 (British Secret Service). We are treated to some classic banter between Bond and Moneypenny:

Bond: Much too far from you, darling.
Moneypenny: Same old James (he grabs her derriere), only more so. Heartless brute. Letting me pine away without a postcard.

Moneypenny: Oh, I'd adore that. If only I could trust myself.
Bond: (speaking at above normal room level) Same ol' Moneypenny. Britain's first line of defense.
Bond goes in to meet with M, only to find that the head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (M) has decided to pull Bond off of the search for Blofeld, because he's been at it for two years. Bond writes a letter of resignation and cleans out his desk. This provides the makers of OHMSS yet another opportunity to "celebrate" the previous Bond films, and perhaps get moviegoers not to notice a new chap is playing Bond (not bloody likely). I love this (first is "Under The Mango Tree" from Dr. No, then the themes From Russia with Love and Thunderball):
That's all for now!
1 comment:
Oooh, I recognize the icon!
It's not so much that it's fantastic as you are nice for saying so.
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