Kimball tells Bateman Paul Allen's datebook indicates he had dinner with Marcus Halberstam on the night of his disappearance. If you recall from part three, a.k.a., "The Bloodening", Allen does have dinner with Halberstam, only he thinks it's Halberstam because he confuses Bateman with Halberstam (Bateman, of course, takes advantage of this in order to kill Allen because he hates and despises him).
Kimball interviews the real Halberstam to verify the dinner with Paul Allen. But Halberstam remembers having dinner: "at Atlantis with Craig McDermott, Frederick Dibble, Harry Newman, George Butner and"--Kimball pauses, then looks up--"you." (p. 274)
Bateman is in the clear, as far as the disappearance of Paul Allen is concerned.

And she gets in the limo...

Whore: Well, actually, I might need a little surgery after last time.
Bateman: Really?
Whore: My friend told me I should maybe even get a lawyer.
Bateman: Lawyers are so complicated. Here's a check ($1,000).
The whore proceeds to get out of the limo. But decides to get back in the limo when Bateman dangles a wad of cash (over $1,600, p. 284) in her face.

Later, at Paul Allen's apartment, Bateman prepares a drink for an old college friend, Elizabeth, who met up with Patrick and "Bangs" earlier. He slips her another two ecstasys.

Elizabeth: No, I'm not a lesbian. Why would you think I'd be into that?
Bateman: You went to Sarah Lawrence for one thing.

You know it's going to go bad when Psychoman starts off on one of his pop music diatribes. Remember, should you ever be around him in this state, RUN!!

Christies bolts from the bed, perhaps wishing now she'd not gotten back in that limo.

Christie runs frantically through the apartment, trying to find the exit.

Yeah, one might be slightly terrified by the sight of this:

Here we see a clear display of Psychoman's superpsychosuperpowers:

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