Here's Francis Albert singing "Too Marvelous For Words" on a 1962 Judy Garland variety show. She has just walked off camera, and he is pretending to sing to her as the video begins. You've got to love the minimalist set designs of those old TV variety shows! Looks like a series of cement (or paper mache) columns are used for this one.
Sinatra recorded the Johnny Mercer tune on his 1956 album Songs For Swingin' Lovers.

Details about the video from a previous post:
A couple of years ago, I videotaped (was it legal when we did that??) a 1962 Judy Garland variety show off of my local PBS station, KERA. It was during their pledge drive, and they were promoting and selling a colorized version of the special, which had been retitled Judy, Frank & Dean - Once in a Lifetime. I de-colorized and de-Judy Garlandized this, for you, and only you (well, and me).
Sinatra posts:

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