SoundtrackNet has "an exclusive first listen to the official motion picture score release of John Ottman's Superman Returns."
My favorite so far has to be Ottman's interpretation of the Superman: The Movie main theme. Sounds really good! I must admit I held my breath a little as the main theme segued into the classic love theme ("Can You Read My Mind", where, of course, the preview version ends), but Ottman and orchestra have pulled it off with aplomb. I guess it goes without saying, but there was always the chance they'd make it really cheesy or something. There's a fine line between poignant and corny.
Here's the original, John Williams version: Superman: The Movie main theme. He is a truly gifted man.
Superman: The Movie
It's amazing the fundamentalist, far-right wing Christian, religious groups haven't ever jumped all over the whole concept of "Superman". For all I know, they have. The narration line "He sent us his only son" and so on in that Superman: The Movie trailer seems really almost blantantly baiting those people, from today's point of view.
via Ain't It Cool News
I sort of agree with you on the Christopher Reeve, or nothing, approach, but I think Superman Returns will be enough of an homage to make it really enjoyable.
So many movies would be completely different if it were not for John Williams!
I think Batman, in a costume, preferably no nipples on the costume, has to win out by a slim margin for me.
Wow, that Superman: The Movie trailer gives a blatant Jesus-Savior-Story vibe. I'd never seen it before.
The fact that the Fundies haven't jumped all over Superman Returns is probably because that part of the story (he sent his only son) has been removed from the trailer and the movie too....
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