* Audrey II
* Akuma
* Cerberus
* The Creature from the Black Lagoon

* Christine
* Cthulhu
* Cylons
* a Cyclops
* Darth Maul

* a Flying Monkey (from The Wizard of Oz)
* Frankenstein's monster
* Freddy Krueger
* Fu Manchu
* General Otmin

* Goro
* Green Goblin
* The Headless Horseman
* Heihachi Mishima
* Imperial Stormtroopers

* Jason Voorhees
* The Joker
* Khan Noonien Singh
* Kraken (from Clash of the Titans)
* ManBearPig
* Medusa
* Minotaur
* Mordred
* The Mysterious Stranger
* an Orc (from the animated version of The Hobbit)

* Pinhead
* The Queen Spider
* Rock
* Sagat
* a Sentinel (from the movie The Matrix)

* Slithe
* a Skeksis (from the movie The Dark Crystal)
* Snarf
* T-800
* a Tripod (from War of the Worlds)

* True Ogre
* Wario
* The Woodland Critters
* a Xenomorph (from the movie Alien)
* a Yautja (from the movie Predator)

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