I drove
home from visiting family in
Eagle Lake this past weekend via
Richmond/Rosenberg. As is sometimes the case, I was rewarded by finding a couple of things I'd never photographed before, and a couple of things I got in a new light.

I'd snapped this great
Herradura Restaurant neon sign
before, but I just had to pull over as I entered Rosenberg to get it against the morning sky.

I couldn't leave Rosenberg without getting some pics of the old "colored" theater, the beautiful, Art Deco
Cole Theater. Built in 1937, I'd taken some of it
previously. A current musical obsession,
The Ink Spots, performed here in 1948.

Fort Bend County Courthouse, c. 1909, Classical Revival/Beaux-ArtsUpon leaving Richmond, I did a double take as I drove past
Larry's Original Mexican Restaurant. This
type of thing fills me with so much joy I want to cry:

Jackpot!About eight miles east of Richmond is the town of Sugar Land, best known locally (at least at one time) for the
Imperial Sugar factory:

In 1907, the factory was purchased by Galvestonian (my hometown) I.H. Kempner, the great-grandfather (possibly great,
great-grandfather) of a childhood friend. To further toot my own horn (toot, toot!), I briefly dated another grandchild, she being a cousin to the childhood friend.
Very cool pics!
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