November 4, 2010

What is old is new again

So, the great old Mize Department Store (openened in downtown Nac in 1925, moved to its last location in 1961) has been closed for over three years now. Nonetheless, I was distressed (to say the least) to drive by it on North Street about a month ago to see this sign being dismantled and taken down, leaving an ugly, plain scarred brick wall:

mize department store neon sign in sunlight
mize department store neon light
I nearly turned around to take a picture of the workmen taking it down, but I was so sickened and horrified by the scene, I thought f*ck it, nobody else cares, so why should I? It seemed like just another bit of old Nacogdoches being thrown onto the scrapheap of forgotten history.

But I was slightly relieved when, upon a Sunday walk downtown, I went by the storefront and saw the very same sign hanging on the wall inside. So, I thought, at least, it's still around! Perhaps I could even go inside someday what is a soon-to-be-open insurance company, which moved into the empty department store and ask them to let me take a picture of it.

Well, imagine then my pleasant shock when, upon an evening run in the same area this past weekend, I see this:
Holy sh*t! And what is weird, is the old sign (the one which was dismantled and taken down) is still hanging on a wall inside the soon-to-open insurance company. So, they went to the trouble to not only carefully remove the old sign (which had broken neon tubing), but they also completely created an authentic replica. I may just have to give those people some business! I.....I love them. Sniff.


  1. I to am going to have to buy something from them, even if it's an insurance policy I don't need -- jus to reward them for refurbishing the sign. Go, go, go, people who understand the value of an icon! We'll be with you!

  2. Blake6:16 PM

    I gave them my insurance business for both car and home in the last month! Wanted to do business with this group for the care they've taken with the building and their extra effort at preserving what for many locals has been an icon. My insurance guy with CBH is Ron Johnson. Give him a call!

  3. Amen to that, Leigh [co-author of my Rulfs book ;)].

    I've been thinking of Geico for car insurance, Blake. Hoping to get something less expensive that State Farm. I may go with CBH now!
