November 1, 2010

Seek and ye shall find (in the Rose City)

Arranged chronologically, as I found each site in Tyler:

jenkins-harvey super service station and garage
Jenkins-Harvey Super Service Station and Garage, c. 1929, Art Deco; this place has also been known either as Firestone Auto Supply and Service Store or Griffin Auto Storage

On the sunny side of the street
(so grab your coat and snatch your hat):
jenkins-harvey super service station and garage
jenkins-harvey super service station and garage

sun behind the smith county courthouse
Another shot of the 1955, Moderne Smith County Courthouse

courier times neon sign

whitaker-mcclendon house
whitaker-mcclendon house
Whitaker-McClendon House, c. 1880, Eastlake/Stick, Italianate; r. 1910, Classical Revival front porch

williams-anderson house
williams-anderson house
Williams-Anderson House, c. 1900, Queen Anne; I somehow found this place much more appealing than the preceding monster

borden's neon sign
Got this sign in the sun this time.

the john b. douglas house
the john b. douglas house
the john b. douglas house
John B. Douglas House, c. 1873, Italianate, Second Empire

I'd planned on finding all of the previous structures, including the John B. Douglas House; I had not counted on the two homes on lots just to the right (left in my photos) of the Douglas House (sweet!). What a neighborhood this must have been (along Fannin Avenue):

residence at 310 south fannin avenue
residence at 310 south fannin avenue
310 South Fannin Avenue, c. 1885, Queen Anne

And unsuccessfully trying to hide from me:
residence at 306 south fannin avenue
306 South Fannin Avenue, c. 1885, Queen Anne
I was reminded of this place (similarly hidden and pink).

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