November 10, 2006

High Society premiere

July 1956 - the Hollywood premiere of High Society

Most likely worth something today.

Cole Porter arrives....COLE. PORTER.

Der Bingle's road buddy, Bob Hope, shmoozes.

There's Texan Ann Miller.

Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher. They're sort of like Frank and Ava, Jr.

On second thought, you really can't compare...

Omar Bradley???? The allure of Hollywood is strong.

Here's the scene from the film in which Sinatra serenades Grace Kelly with "You're Sensational." This kind of elegance is long gone:


  1. One of my all time favorite films. Grace was such a beauty. They just don't make great films like this anymore.

  2. I doubt anybody was too surprised when she became a real life princess! It's a classic, no doubt about it. But I think The Philadelphia Story was probably a better movie, it just didn't have Crosby, Kelly, or Sinatra(!).
