July 7, 2011

I sort of gorged myself on Cuero...

intersection of north esplanade and east church streets, cuero
...and for that, I must apologize, because there's a whole lot of great stuff(!) I got for the hour and a half or so I was there. If you are one of those EBiN readers who thinks "meh" or "wtf?" whenever you see the latest post is one of those 100-year-old-houses-ghost-signs-and-vintage-neon-signs-kind-of-posts, you may want to move along. Sorry, there's nothing to see here this go around. The rest of you should prepare to receive a face full of Cuero.

Upon arriving, a pleasant surprise:
don bravo restaurant neon sign

A former Sinclair station:
sinclair in cuero

On the back of the J. Stratton Building, a Coca-Cola ghost sign:
coca-cola ghost on the back of the j. stratton bldg.

J. Stratton Building c. 1894, Victorian:
j. stratton building

Another neon surprise, this one downtown:
the fair department store neon sign
street scene in cuero

A 7UP ghost, probably from the lithium days:
7up ghost in cuero

De Witt County Courthouse c. 1896, Richardsonian Romanesque:
de witt county courthouse

former Purina Chows downtown:
purina chows building in cuero
purina chows ghost in cuero

Cuero had more old homes than I could photograph on a trip, but I made a dent.

T.O. Buchel House c. 1900, Victorian
t.o. buchel house

305 East Prairie Street c. 1898
305 east prairie street

Bell-Long Residence c. 1890s, Victorian/Symmetrical
bell-long residence

Wofford-Finney House c. 1891, Queen Anne (Victorian)
wofford-finney house

309 East Sarah Street c. 1885 (a mere 20 years after the Civil War)
309 east sarah street309 east sarah street

Callaway-Gillette House
c. 1895, Victorian
callaway-gillette house

Elisha Stevens House c. 1896, Victorian (probably Queen Anne)
elisha stevens house

Gohmert-Summers House c. 1895, Victorian
gohmert-summers house
gohmert-summers house
gohmert-summers house
gohmert-summers house

Burns-Windel Residence (my fave on this trip) c. 1902, Queen Anne
burns-windel residence
burns-windel residence

next favorite, Proctor-Green House c. 1910, Victorian
carriage stone in front of proctor-green house
Those stone steps would have helped ladies in Late Victorian garb climb down from a horse-drawn buggy or Model T. This place would have been quite something in its prime. Description from the THC Atlas entry: "2 1/2 story; elaborate Victorian; stain glass in rounded stairway; shingling; projecting bay; palladian windows; Green was district judge."

proctor-green house
proctor-green house
proctor-green house

Edward Mugge-Sehroeder House c. 1875, Victorian
edward mugge-sehroeder house

William Frobese House c. 1865(!), Victorian/Greek Revival
william frobese house

J.M. Reuss House
c. 1880
j.m. reuss house

Starker House c. 1880, Victorian
starker house

Emil Leonardt House c. 1895, Victorian
emil leonardt house

Albert and Kate Leinhardt House c. 1895
albert and kate leinhardt house


  1. Thank you, Robert! I should leave the pop culture-related stuff to guys such as yourself.
