June 18, 2011

Speedy return to Gonzales (ahreeeba areeeba underle)

Art thou familiar....st with the "Come and Take It" battle flag? This occurred in Gonzales.

So, I went and took. And I didn't even need no stinkin' badgees. No, seriously.

G.W. Burgess/ Bell House, c. 1890, Eastlake (Victorian)
g.w. burgess/ bell house

a Humble Oil station, 1930s I figure (most like this one are)
humble oil in gonzales

Edward Lewis House, c. 1910, Queen Anne (Victorian)
edward lewis house

T.H. Spooner House, c. 1874, Queen Anne (Victorian)
t.h. spooner house

The Lynn Theatre, 1940s
the lynn with a blue, cloud-filled sky

Dunn Houston House, c. 1895-98, Queen Anne (Victorian)
dunn houston house

the corner of St. Paul and St. Lawrence....
building at the corner of st. paul and st. lawrence

a former Texaco
texaco in gonzales
texaco in gonzales


  1. If you can't go to Gonzales, you can always remember it.

  2. That's what I've always been led to believe, anyway.
