January 25, 2011

Island Relics, part 1: non-residential structures

So, the man said you can't go home again....What harm is there in trying?


calm gulf morning sunrise
The Gulf was calm enough on this morning, you'd have thought it was a lake.

calm gulf morning sunrise

Waples Lumber Co., c. 1948, Art Deco
waples lumber co.
waples lumber co.

G.H. & H, I. & G.N. and M.K. & T. Freight Office, c. 1904
g.h. & h, i. & g.n. and mk&t freight office
g.h. & h, i. & g.n. and mk&t freight office
According to a Flickr contact (and fellow BOI), the place is haunted.

Old Falstaff Brewery, c. 1800s
industrial complex near 32nd street

Fire Station
fire station

Old Cornerstore
old cornerstore

Masonic Temple; originally B'Nai Israel Congregation,
c. 1870. Gothic Revival, architect: Nicholas J. Clayton
masonic temple; originally b'nai israel congregation
masonic temple; originally b'nai israel congregation

El Cortez Apartments, c. 1925, Spanish Revival
el cortez apartments

Galveston Children's Home, c. 1902
galveston children's home
galveston children's home
"Founded in 1878 by George Dealey (1829-1891), the Galveston Children's Home moved to this location in 1880. Henry Rosenberg gave money to construct a massive Gothic Revival building here in 1894-95. It was destroyed by the storm of 1900. Newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst hosted a charity bazaar at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City to raise funds for rebuilding. This brick structure was completed in 1902. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark - 1978" (source)

Engine House No. 5, c. 1891

Island Relics, part 2: residential structures


  1. Anonymous12:23 PM

    ... but I guess you can shop there.

    Nice picts!

  2. Thanks, Billy!

    You've reminded me to Netflix Gross Pointe Blank - it's been a while since I've seen it.
