January 1, 2011

Blowin' through Bonham

bonham drive-in neon sign

An unreadable, palimpsest ghost sign
ghost sign palimpsest in bonham

Fannin County Courthouse, c. 1889, r. 1929 after a fire; current facade, 1965fannin county courthouse

A.B. Scarborough House, c. 1897, Romanesque (Victorian)a.b. scarborough house

220 West Sam Rayburn Drive
220 west sam rayburn drive220 west sam rayburn drive

317 West Sam Rayburn Drive, c. 1880, Victorian
317 west sam rayburn drive

Heading out of town, a lovely surprise...
bonham steam laundry and cleaners neon signbonham steam neon sign

...and numerous opportunities to refuel!
former gas station in bonham
former service station in bonham
former service station in bonhamformer service station in bonham
former service station in bonham


  1. Love the drive-in sign. Is the drive-in long gone?

  2. Isn't that cool? And I was expecting it at all, so it was really nice to find it.

    Yep, it was nothing but an empty field. I don't think there were even any old sound hook-ups. Great the sign was left though.
