September 6, 2010

George Clooney is our Cary Crant

I haven't yet seen The American, which came out on Friday. So far it is receiving decent reviews, with most critics calling it at least average. Coincidentally, it has "beaten" another new release, Machete, a film some people have said promotes racism and anti-Americanism. I thought that was an interesting outcome.

But I do like George Clooney, so I'll definitely check out The American when it arrives on DVD, if not in a theater. As an actor, Clooney seems to be able to effortlessly do both smoldering cool and awkward goofball, sometimes, mixing it up. He usually makes fun, smart movies, and chooses scripts wisely. Usually.

Anyway, the poster for The American reminded me of (as it will many people; it's probably supposed to) iconic imagery from North by Northwest, with Cary Grant running for his life from the crop duster in wide open, flat prairie land. Like Clooney, Grant was known for generally being in fun and smart movies, mixing it up with the occasional quirky or silly.

Father Goose (1964)

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