August 19, 2010

Austin: Then and Now

With apologies to the authors of the excellent photography book Austin Then and Now (Then & Now), from whom I borrow this post title. Incidentally, not a single structure shown in the book is featured below. Also, the "then" photographs are from the Texas Historical Commission. And now, echoes from Austin's past:

Frias Grocery (c. 1920s) in 1980

frias grocery

Harkins Grocery (c. 1920s) in 1980

harkins grocery

El Rio Tortilla Factory (c. 1910) in 1980

el rio tortilla factory

Green & White Grocery (c. 1920s) in 1980

green and white grocery

La Brisa Rooms (c. 1900-20) in 1980

la brisa rooms

Architect's Office (c. 1890, Victorian) in 1980

architect's office

Guajardo Grocery in 1980

guajardo grocery

Kunty Theatre (c. 1900-20) in 1980

kunty theater

Flanzetti Store and House in 1980. Built in 1877 as a grocery and dry goods store, with a home upstairs. During the 1890's the neighborhood was predominantly African American, and the store served as a church on Sundays.

flanzetti store and house


  1. The Comal Food Store has damned fine sandwiches...when they are actually open.

  2. Oh yeah? Wish I'd known that - they were open the morning I took the picture.
