May 9, 2010

Crockett at Turn of the Century

the old denny house
This place was built in 1907 and is Queen Anne Victorian style. The window up in the pediment is what makes it a Queen Anne. Nacogdoches architect Diedrich Rulfs supposedly built/designed something in Crockett. This home, the Old Denny House, reminds me a little of things like the Haden Edwards House. It may be the one-story porch across the front.

1105 east houston avenue
1105 East Houston Avenue was built in 1903 and is Four-Square Neo-Classical Revival style

1110 east houston avenue
Here is a glimpse of 1110 East Houston Avenue. Built in 1910, it is Prairie-Craftsman style, and I think a candidate for possibly being the structure Diedrich Rulfs built in Crockett.


spence-chamberlain house
That Texas Historical Commission medallion for the the Queen Anne Victorian style Spence-Chamberlain House says:

"This house was built by teacher and lawyer John Spence and his wife Adele, also a teacher, about 1870. John died in 1879, and in 1891 Adele sold the house to druggist B. Frank Chamberlain and his wife Una. Sometime prior to 1920 the Chamberlains attached a kitchen to the house and added bay windows. The house exhibits a foursquare configuration with symmetrical windows and center dormer on a pyramidal roof. It remained in the Chamberlain family until 1978."

500 south 7th street
500 south 7th street
500 South 7th Street

the smith house
The Smith House, built in 1921, Craftsman style

401 bell avenue
401 Bell Avenue, built in 1910, Four-Square style


  1. Can I have the pink one?

  2. Isn't that pretty? The pink color is what caught my eye. Really nice.

  3. I'll take the one with the screened [sleeping?] porch on the second floor.

    Looks like the Bell Avenue home needs some TLC. Was it abandoned?

  4. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Crockett was abandoned...

  5. Yep, that one's cool, Amy. Although the yard was freshly mown, it did look look like the Bell Avenue house was unoccupied.

    It isn't quite that bad, Scatterbrain, but I know what you mean. Crockett is probably past its prime.
