February 10, 2010

Son of Salinger

Wow! Mind exploding here. I'm currently reading (for the very first time) Franny and Zooey (1961), J.D. Salinger's third book, in which he combined two short stories ("Franny" from 1955 and "Zooey," 1957). It is somewhat dedicated to Salinger's son, Matthew, who was a one-year-old at the time of its publication. Despite assuming the son of perhaps the most elusive and hermit-like "celebrity" of our time would possibly be more private, anonymous even, I did an image search for him out of curiosity. But not only is he not camera shy, he is of all things an actor. His first role was as one of the Alpha Betas in Revenge of the Nerds (1984). He is #84 in this scene:

Salinger must have been so proud...

The son of the author of The Catcher in the Rye

Oh, the irony! What a trip, huh? Matthew Salinger was also Captain America in an internationally released film (from 1990):

Maybe this was a well known fact and common knowledge, but it's news to me! It's almost as bizarre a case of worlds colliding as Geraldo Rivera having been married to the daughter of Kurt Vonnegut...


  1. I've given you an award. Check it out at http://www.retrohound.com/my-first-award/.

  2. Thanks, dude! I guess Gilligan was desperate for a post subject again or something (what, no mini-skirt Monday idea)? LOL. I was going to suggest to him: "Tube sock Tuesday." Whaddya think?

  3. haha that's truly weird, something I'd never have guessed!
    he looks like somewhere between william shatner and matt damon to me than his dad.

  4. It is very weird, for a couple of reasons. And he has his dad's jaw, that's for sure.
