December 28, 2009

Victorian Texas

The Victorian style of architecture spans the period of roughly 1825-1900, essentially the reign of Queen Victoria. I include in this post five of the most recent examples I have found. More can be read about the style here and here. I have a Victorian set at flickr, and there is also my post about Nacogdoches architect Diedrich Rulfs, the Victorian style being one he is best known for using (although none of the following were designed by him).

the ross-carroll house
The Ross-Carroll House
Queen Anne form, c. 1899, Brenham

the ross-carroll house

house at 402 st. mary street
House at 402 St. Mary Street
c. 1880s

house at 402 st. mary street

the faison house
The Faison House
c. around 1842
La Grange

This began as two separate rooms made from local pine wood, probably became a Greek Revival around 1855, then as the tastes changed, took on a more Victorian appearance during the 1880s.

the kaulbach home
The Kaulbach Home
c. 1885
La Grange

kaulbach home

the northcutt house
The Northcutt House
c. 1902

the northcutt house
the northcutt house


  1. I want the Northcutt house. With servants to help out of course.

  2. I'm telling you! You would need a staff to live there. Those people knew how to show off their wealth.
