September 7, 2009

Nimoy lets Spock go

William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy appeared together this past weekend at Dragon*Con, and Nimoy let it be known he was done playing Spock. Other than that, it's sort of neat to see the two men together again. In this clip, Shatner discusses how he has yet to see the new film, despite it apparently being shown on the flight he took to get to Dracon*Con:


  1. I love him! The new guy, Zachary Quinto, is quite hot himself, but he's just not Mr Spock for me. It's too obvious that he's been trimmed in every way to fit into the role. Nimoy, on the other side, looked like he was born like that in the role.

    Or maybe he's totally ok and I'm just too narrow minded:)

  2. I can understand them wanting to close the book. Those roles have followed them to every corner of their career and personal lives.

    It makes me sad to see that picture of them sitting together - so old. I prefer to see Shatner in his full awesome Shatnerness of the mid-to -late 60's! Nimoy was a "victim" of his own acting success...he looked and played Spock too well to ever get away from it.
