August 26, 2009




  1. Alright! Published author. That's superb.

  2. High five! Congratulations!

    Now you're just teasing your fan club....putting posts up and all. ;)

  3. Thank you! Sad, really, how excited this made me. Most likely, no one but a few visitors to this blog will ever see this, but better it happened than not!

    And, Amy, "fan club"? Head exploding. I keep getting ideas for posts I want to do. I thought the well had dried up. And these "awesome" things have happened!

  4. Well then, EBIN can be the Bret Favre of retro blogging. Come out of retirement any time inspiration strikes. :)

  5. Congratulations, looks like you've sold at least one copy! I'm sure many more will as well.

  6. Have you declared "finished" on the book? I'm still looking at pictures, though you haven't heard from me because I've had a little run-in with arthritis in my shoulder and couldn't type too well.

    Congratulations. I hope this is just the first of many compilations of your photos and research!

  7. Thanks again, everyone!

    Sorry to hear about that, Leigh. It stinks that you can't even enjoy being on the computer. I'm going to try and finish it this weekend, by among other things, getting decent pictures of the two homes you've suggested (the one on Mound and the one on East Main). I feel bad, because the cataloger for the U of H library informed me that their architectural librarian has ordered two copies of the book. I've since added a four or five additional building (commercial and residential), corrected some typos, and rearranged the ordering of construction dates. I'm wondering how to go about letting them know this...

  8. Call and ask to speak to their acquisitions librarian. When you get him/her, explain that the book is imminently ready for a seccnd ediiton. Perhaps they can cancel or delay the order; since I can't view their acquisitions record in the public catalog, I can't tell when they ordered it, but doesn't the production take quite a while? If it's early enough in the production process they might even get the newer version without intervention, assuming you're updating it in place.
