January 28, 2010

Holden Caulfield

This is great. I'm rerererereading (that's at least four times) The Catcher in the Rye. Anyway, that's a nice interpretation of Holden, complete with red hunting cap and the copy of "Little Shirley Beans" he bought for Phoebe. It was done by artist Carmela Alvarado. Check out more like it here. And this is an older, Geocities site, but it has a pretty cool photo tour of NYC as Holden knew it.


  1. Just got done listening to the audiobook version. Its pretty good. I've read it too many times.


  2. Never read it. Is there a reason I should?

  3. Interesting, Peteski. I need to look into that. Ha, ha, Retro Hound.

  4. hello,
    My name is Carmela and I did this drawing (http://www.flickr.com/carmelaalvarado/sets). Could you please credit me as the author?.
    It would be nice.
    Thanks for liking it, by the way.
    There are more drawings from some Salinger stories in my website, if you feel like visiting.

  5. Of course! And it is very cool - I love the detail.
