June 2, 2009

Genitalia on Angelina's chin...

...please, let me explain.

history of lufkin mural II
Sometime over the weekend, one of the less...enlightened citizens of nearby Lufkin decided Angelina would look better if she had male genitalia spray painted onto her chin. I disagree with this particular aesthetic modification. It will cost the city of Lufkin around $1,500 to restore. Monday night, police found a similar, erotic work of art on the south side (yo) of L-Town, so maybe they'll catch the artist. Speaking of which, muralist Lance Hunter painted this, and other, murals in 1991. These are some of the others in downtown Lufkin. I see several other places where genitalia could be added.

lcc lufkin history mural
She's practically begging for it.

lufkin history mural (brookshire bros.)
old angelina county courthouse mural detail
lufkin history mural
texan theatre mural detail
folks on the street
Definitely in need of some genitalia.

coca-cola detail on lufkin history mural
history of lukin mural
Think of the fun to be had with a can of spray paint on this one!!


  1. These murals are really beautiful. They make the place look so much livelier, unlike untalented graffiti. At least if people are going to graffiti, they should make something worth looking at.

  2. They are beautiful -- so colorful!
