March 18, 2009

Kerrville Bus Station

kerrville bus co. depot
I took these of the Kerrville Bus Station in Brenham on a chilly, gray Saturday morning. I assume it is still in operation. It looked a little bit abandoned, though. Those rounded corners and other things about this little building lead to me to believe it is either an Art Deco or Streamline design. That would put its construction somewhere from the thirties to late forties, which is all right by me.

kerrville bus co. depot neon sign
round corner and pay phone at kerrville bus stationside entrance to kerrville bus station
front view of kerrville bus station in brenham
rounded corner of kerrville bus station
kerrville bus station in brenham


  1. Nice Building. Looking a bit sad but it could be really, really good with a bit more love.

  2. I like it. Art Deco, don't you think?

  3. I agree, it's definitely Art Deco with those rounded edges, the rectangular facade on the top, and those notches/steps in the doorway (along with that *great* stainless and glass door!).

    Wonder if it will ever get the TLC it needs...

  4. It surprises me how popular the Art Deco style was to have been applied to something as innocuous as a bus station!

  5. Anonymous12:01 PM

    It certainly will get the TLC it needs. It is owned by the Brenham Heritage Museum. As the director of the museum, I am actively working toward repurposing the station and possibly reopening the lunch counter.
