October 27, 2008

Wallis, Texas

Wallis, Texas
holub's five and dime
Holub's Five & Dime

frank pazderny building
Frank Pazderny Building, c. 1909 (Hardware, Eagle Cafe, Barber Shop)

rexall drugs sign
rexall entrance screen doors
general store screen doors
rainbo is good bread screen doors
buildings in wallis, texas

2 hidden treasures (I'll have to check back again in January, February):
drink fruit nectar ghost in wallis
coca-cola ghost in wallis

wallis theater
Wallis Theater

distant view of wallis theater
looking down highway at wallis texaco
highway view of wallis texaco
wallis texaco
texaco in wallis


  1. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Are these small towns always so deserted? I don't get to browse these sweet small towns enough so I simply don't know. Not that I didn't enjoy the photos (I did) but I wished you'd have peeked in the windows of the Five and Dime, and the other storefronts and taken some more pictures. Are the stores dead or just dying?

    The closest I get to these towns is driving through rural Alabama (Eufaula, AL is amazing, but not really that tiny) and the tiny FL panhandle towns on the way to the beach. We don't stop to tour unfortunately; I'm afraid my husband just doesn't get my fascination with the past.

  2. Amy, I'm frequently in many of the places I go to photograph on Saturday or Sunday, and it's often in the morning. This would explain the quality another commenter once described as being like Omega Man (the Charlton Heston sci-fi flick). But I also think, unfortunately, many of these small towns are dying. I too have a fascination with the past, and many of these towns are stuck back in it (too their detriment).

  3. Anonymous11:18 PM

    I always have wanted some of those double Rainbo bread screen doors!

  4. Anonymous2:42 AM

    My Name is Joseph Holub, the Holub's Five and Dimes was owned by my ancestors

  5. Anonymous6:34 PM

    My name is Chuck Pazderny, Frank Pazderny was my great grandfather. Both he and his son were very successful businessmen.

  6. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I have lived here all my life this town is dead .The sad thing is no one wants to fix up the old buildings and the owners want a lot to rent them out or to buy .what will eventually happen is the city will make them tear down because of a safety issue. If the owners would ease up people would come in and fix them up. Lets face it this is not prime property.
