August 16, 2008

Echoes of the past on Galveston Island

The home in which I grew up, and lived in from 1972 to around 1987, is on the market, and in the process of being sold. Much of what I post about, here at this blog, was discovered during those days, in that house. I went down to spend a day or so, saying goodbye, and among other things, I drove around pretty much lost in memory. And I had my camera with me.

I've posted about Galveston before, but most of this I'd never photographed:

front view of seaside motel
This old motel is right behind The Spot and a block from Seawall Blvd. This is the Galveston I remember from my youth. Before there was Moody Gardens and Schlitterbahn, before Marquette Land Investments, before the monster condominiums, etc., etc., etc.

galveston county courthouse
No doubt people hated the 1966, Moderne-style courthouse back when it was completed. It would have seemed totally different from the 1898 courthouse, the one which survived the 1900 Storm, just as the 2006 courthouse seems so different to me.

former galveston county courthouse
old service station in galveston
An old service station near Broadway.

sacred heart church
Sacred Heart Church, c. 1884, French Romanesque style. On September 8, 1900, The Storm demolished the building. The destruction was complete except for two stained glass windows, the Mass bell, the statue of the Sacred Heart and the Crucifix which remains in the present day church. The cornerstone for this church was laid in 1903.

el patío cafe across from pennington buick
El Patío Cafe

pennington buick
This and the next two photos are of Pennington Buick Co. - 1950, Art Deco

pennington buick detail
pennington buick detail
other sign of derelict galveston sign
A derelict neon sign on a building near The Strand

star drug store, midday
Star Drug Store

star drug store neon sign
I finally managed to get it when lit.

g & g bakery
I have very vague memories of going in G & G Bakery as a wee lad. My mother did a lot of business with this place. Some really nice remembrances are here, including one from one of the Graugnard's daughters. The building is vintage Art Deco, by the way.

sun on purity ice cream sign
"Purity" ice cream was Texas' first ice cream manufacturer, founded in 1899 on Galveston Island. I am told I had cups of ice cream from them at my earliest birthday parties (Banana Splits-themed).

purity ice cream neon sign full length


  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Ahhhh, Chris. We've had this conversation before. Next time you've got to include the Flagship! My 1968 version of your 1972 recollection of what was one of the very coolest places one could imagine in the state of TX.

    Hope all is well. Off to Napa for vacation next week!

    All the best,


  2. Wow! That was at least a year ago. I'll try to remember and get it next time I'm on the island. It is very cool and things appeared to be going well for the current management. I think the interior was renovated in the last few years, and the outside has been painted in a decidedly off-white color scheme.

    Napa sounds nice! Have a great week!

  3. It look lovely. Can you still hear the sea winds blowin'?

    If only there was a song clip you could have posted as an accompaniment.

  4. I could still even see I see her dark eyes glowin'.
