April 9, 2008

Declan MacManus

Here are two great examples of the other Elvis' mid-80s, pop-style songwriting prowess and blue-eyed, soulful singing I've always loved. Who'd have believed a guy who looks like he does would have a voice like that??

"Everyday I Write the Book," from Punch the Clock (1983):

"The Only Flame in Town" from Goodbye Cruel World (1984):

Did every song in the '80s have to feature a squawking, shrill saxophone part, or what??


  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Without question one of the very best shows I've ever witnessed. The guy was unbelievable. He played for hours and was as energetic at the end as he was in the beginning. If you ever have a chance, run, don't walk!

  2. I'd love to see him live. He's such an incredible songwriter and singer. Spike is one of my favorite, all-time albums. That's such an amazing album. A couple of things on Might Like a Rose are also very nice.
