February 26, 2008

Scenes along Texas State Highway 237

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tijuana taxi
Parked outside Royer's Round Top Cafe in Round Top on Saturday.

tijuana taxi starboard

Heading out of Round Top:
looking down 237, outside round top
replica of saxony home
replica of saxony home historical plaque
house off of tx-237

Right outside of Warrenton:
house outside of warrenton
abandoned near warrenton
William Christenberry perspective

Between Reutersville and Oldenburg:
mansion on the hill
abandoned house between oldenburg and reutersville
William Christenberry perspective

In the few yards of land along 237 known as Oldenburg:
"pay, I say, pay attention, boy!"
former gas station in oldenburg
oldenburg, texas, history marker


  1. I fricking adore these.

    There is nothing so interested as house taken back over by nature.

  2. Oh, wow! I see your (hilarious) picture often at chronicle.com. How cool it is you visited my blog?!! I'm glad you like the pics.

    I always wondered the obvious about abandoned houses - what happened to its occupants? The phrase "lives interrupted" crosses my mind.

  3. Dr. Ding recommended you and she is always right.

    I constantly take pictures of abandoned (or just plain weird) houses. My husband gets ten kinds of pissed off about it but I can not help myself.

    This is one of my faves: http://www.flickr.com/photos/16968197@N02/2258858621/

  4. Dr. Ding has excellent taste. I really appreciate her linking to me!

    Your picture is pretty stunning. Someone else commented that they were jealous of it, and that was my first inclination!
