February 7, 2008

Las Vegas in The Vegas Strip War

The Vegas Strip War was a 1984 made-for-TV movie, starring Rock Hudson. James Earl Jones is unintentionally hilarious in the role of a Don King-type, complete with wild hair (which is clearly a wig). Every time Jones' character enters the picture, rollicking New Orleans style jazz begins to play ('cause he's black). I kid you not. Perhaps another blogger can get into that aspect of it. My interest is purely in the setting.

The IMDb plot summary:

Rock Hudson (in his last made-for-TV-movie role) plays Neil Chaine, a charming Las Vegas hotel/casino owner who tries to turn his decaying building into The Strip's top attraction to avenge his outting by his former partners who run a more fancy hotel/casino just across the street.

In this video you will see the Vegas Strip and Fairmont Street as they were in 1984. You will also see a young Sharon Stone in an early role, and unfortunately, a clearly ailing Hudson (who would be gone within a year).

Fairmont Street appears to be completely unchanged since its inclusion in 1971's Diamonds Are Forever. I have dreams about doing what Hudson does on that long, gone street, with perhaps a less dour expression. If you can make it through those shots, there is some great footage of Fremont Street.


  1. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Hi Chris

    You should check out the Michael Mann produced series CRIME STORY. Shot on location in LV around ´86-´87 its packed with awesome shots from in an around Vegas.

  2. Thanks, dino!

    I'd forgotten about that show. Thanks for the suggestion. Going to Netflix now......
