January 4, 2008

Temple, Texas

temple building tops
lodge sign in temple
masonic temple in temple
further back from the aracadia theater and doering hotel
The recently restored Arcadia Theater (c. 1928) and The Doering Hotel
(aka The Hotel Hawn, c. 1928)

restored arcadia theater
doering hotel
looking up at the kyle hotel in temple
The Kyle Hotel

home furniture co. facade
home furniture co. neon sign


  1. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Temple is an odd place. I used to live in Morgan's Point (on Lake Belton). Wonder when Temple had it's heyday? There are a few mansions not far from downtown.

  2. Temple was pretty nice. The downtown was much bigger than I'd imagined. Temple had its heyday (I believe) during the oil boom of the 1980s (think Dallas).

  3. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Temple had it's heyday in the 1930's through the 1960's from what I've learned from my parents and grandparents. I was born and raised there and it's interesting to see how all of a sudden it's blowing up right now with a lot of businesses.

  4. To Exquisitely Bored in Nacogdoches... I never could spell it without help....
    My sophomore year roommate at Sam Houston was from Nacogdoches... His name is/was Sonny Shivers. Lost track of him back in 1959. I was really grateful for his TV. We could barely pick up a couple of stations in Houston...pre cable days. In fact you folks in Nacogdoches had an ex-Temple banker in your fair city named Roland Vannoy. They were really nice folks. Well....my wife and I were born and raised here in Temple...it's a pretty neat place. Come to see us...we need your money to pay for the Mayor's $340,000.00 Hawn Hotel which could have been had for six years in back taxes in the amount of 8,265.35....no sense in being frugal with our money!

  5. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Temple is a nice town with nice people but one of the worst places to work. I am a qualified professional with 5+ years in credit and collections and cannot find a decent position. I have worked with some the employment agencies that were very disappointing. Temple offers Scott & White which is not my cup of tea or retail. I work currently for a nice company with horrible pay and three holidays a year. I want to work in Austin; however, there is no commuter service whatsoever from Temple to Austin other than driving. Amtrak has one train a day at 445PM. Why is the place so backwards? You could boost the economy and housing with such a service. Currently to get to Austin, you either have to drive or carpool or drive you car to an area for a park and ride which is about 50 miles away. It is ridiculous. I came back Texas after living in El Paso and I am sorely dissapointed.
