November 27, 2007

"Love Is a Song"

Despite the fact that the majority of males in East Texas are passionate about deer hunting, I simply can not do it, in large part because of (I've had deer in my site and could not squeeze the trigger):

Judy Marsh and Donald Novis

Music: Frank Churchill
Lyrics: Larry Morey
Performed by: Donald Novis
From: Walt Disney's Bambi (1942)


  1. Anonymous3:35 PM

    I'm with you Chris. Growing up in Cenla and not killing a deer by the age of 14, you would have thought I was cruising bathhouses and rest areas. I had numerous opportunities to shoot the creatures, but always decided against it. Why? I didn't need the food and I couldn't care less about feeling more masculine because of killing. I don't care if others do, just don't fault me for not finding it fun. My Dad felt the same way and we'd "hunt" with relatives by hanging out in the woods and talking while they went in search of prey. Good times.
    Hope you had a good holiday. NC was delightfully warm for this time of year.
    All the best,

  2. "Growing up in Cenla and not killing a deer by the age of 14, you would have thought I was cruising bathhouses and rest areas."

    That's hilarious, and, amen!, brother. I've wondered how many hunters actually just enjoy the camaraderie (not the rest area kind...) and being outdoors in woods as the fall weather finally arrives.

    Take care!
