November 20, 2007

Blame Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

As you no doubt saw at boingboing...

A pile of lava rocks?

This is great post, only I wish I'd thought of it!! To celebrate the recent release of the combo HD/DVD and standard DVD set of the original Star Trek episodes, Wired has compiled a list of "Star Trek's 10 Cheesiest Classic Creatures." Ha ha ha, we may laugh now at how pathetic some of these are (notice I said some) now, but each and every one (well, except for Tribbles) of them scared the hell out of me when I was a kid. They all made an appearance in a terrifying nightmare. I no lie.....TO THIS DAY the buttheads Talosians make my skin crawl. Wired apparently didn't consider them to be "cheesy," as they didn't make the cut for this list. But they were really scary to me!



  1. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Fun Trek Fact: The Talosians were played by *women*. No joke!

    The slight effect adds a tiny extra subliminal chill.

  2. I found that out years after first seeing "The Cage." The main Talosian was played by an actress I've seen in several other TV shows or movies from around the same time period. Even without the headpiece, she still gives me the creeps.
