October 4, 2007

"Ticket to Ride"

I attended two Beatlefests (now called The Fest for Beatles Fans) in Houston during the early '80s (1981 and 1982). And I'll never forget seeing The Beatles on a big screen in their 1965 film Help! at one of them. A more memorable bit in it is the "Ticket to Ride" sequence in which they snow ski. I thought it was so cool when the musical notes appeared on the lift cables.

  • previous "Ticket to Ride" post

    1. Did you see this? Lovely isn't it?

      Who's that bloke with Nigel?

    2. Sorry la, the other link goofed up. Here.

    3. That's marvelous. Thanks for the link! It's amazing how the date can be pinpointed TO THE DAY, but that's what it means to be a Beatle, I guess. I wish I could have seen that program...programme to see Nigel's reaction to seeing it.

      Just a month after that picture was taken, the ultimate catalyst for Lennon's rebellion would be born! And we all know into what he funneled that rebellion and rage - The Savage Young Beatles!!
