July 17, 2007

150 Years of Comfort in Texas

Comfort, Texas (population: 2,358), is 52 miles NW of San Antonio, 89 miles SW of Austin, and 19 miles SE of Kerrville. "From an architectural viewpoint - Comfort is extremely rich. Nearly the entire downtown is on the National Register of Historic Places. Many rock buildings and businesses remain in a splendid state of preservation and did not have to go through the rigors of restoration. A good deal of Comfort's charm is in its relative tranquility compared to Fredericksburg and Boerne. Visit on Monday and you'll find nearly the entire town closed." - TexasEscapes.com

Comfort was established in 1854 by German immigrants moving further west from New Braunfels. The German heritage is evident in the building names!

Peter Ingenhuett Building (c. 1890)

Steps of the Peter Ingenhuett Building - the top step says "COLD DRINKS," and the one below it says something about "SERVICE."

I was touched by this:

The sign on the left read: "INGENHUETT STORE / 1867-2006 / (As we all knew it)." There was something about As we all knew it that got me. Maybe it was the use of parenthesis. The sign on the right read: "What happened? It burned. March 15, 2006 / 3:00 am." I wonder if any Comfort citizens are aware that it burned on the Ides of March. There probably are.

Another sign: "May the old rest in peace & the new rise again." Amen, brother!

The 1908 Bank Building

The 1916 Arno Schwethelm Building

The Gass Schmiede, c. 1890

This one story brick designed by Alfred Giles for Paul Ingenhuett in 1910 to be used as a post office. It remained the Comfort Post Office until 1952.

The 1880 Ingenhuett-Faust Hotel - now a bed & breakfast

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