May 25, 2007


Corsicana, Texas (population: 24,485) is Navarro County Seat, and it is 58 miles SE of Dallas.

Smith's Bile Beans ghost sign

S.A. Pace Grocer, 1898

Palace Theater

State National Bank Building - 1926, Corsicana's "Eight-story Skyscaper"

Odd Fellows Building

Navarro County Courthouse (Style - Beux-arts, date - 1905) - the statue is of Jose Antonio Navarro

Chevrolet Co. ghost on what was once a dealership

Dee's Place - Dee's Place was an alternate site for the filming of Bonnie and Clyde, it is registered with the Texas Film Commission in Austin

R.S. Neblett Building

First First National Bank of Corsicana

See a slideshow of these pictures at Flickr.


  1. They've got some pretty, pretty buildings there, don't they? I like the yellow dry cleaners' with the red awnings. It's so cool when an everyday-type business resides in an unusual building. The world needs more of that.

  2. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Where do I get some of those "bile" beans!

  3. lisa, there is "lots" to see in Corsicana. The dry cleaners buildings reminded me of the rollercoaster that used to be in the Oriental Corner section of Astroworld(!). It's funny how memory works.

    I can't imagine why something called "bile beans" didn't catch on, pine blogger....
