March 26, 2007

Sulphur Springs

Sulphur Springs, Texas (population 14,551), 78 miles E of Dallas, is the Hopkins County Seat.

From The Handbook of Texas Online:

The town was originally known as Bright Star when stores and a hotel were first built at the site, which had become a popular camping place for teamsters hauling commodities west from Jefferson. ... A post office named Bright Star was established in 1854 ... Bright Star was incorporated possibly as early as 1852. Dr. O. S. Davis deeded the public square to the county when the town was rechartered and became the county seat in 1870. The name was changed to Sulphur Springs in 1871, when the mineral springs in the area were being advertised to make the town a health resort.

Hopkins County Courthouse (c. 1895), Romanesque Revival style

Masonic lodge sign and entrance

First Baptist Church

First Christian Church (c. 1963)

First Presbyterian Church (c. 1920)

Sulphur Springs Public Library

Hopkins County's Sacrifice (my title)

Nelson's Corner Drug

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Hi! I live in Sulphur Springs, TX. Nice job with the pics. They are now totally redoing the town square in hopes they can become a "Main Street Town". You should come back when they're done. Hopefully they won't destroy the historical charm!
