December 30, 2006

U.S.S. Enterprise ornament

Received a new Hallmark (click on the link to find a short video of it "in action") ornament this year:

Too bad they sold out of this one:

Check out this short video. I'm transfixed by it.


  1. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I am jealous of your ornamnets. Only new one I got was a Rudloph the Red-Nosed Pumping Unit one.

  2. I don't know, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Pumping Unit sounds pretty rad!

  3. Wow you are right that video of the transporter is transfixing. I can't stop watching it.

  4. Oh, you magnificent Nerd! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  5. I am as God made me, madame...a nerd.

    I have the second picture at Flickr, and in the 24-hours it's been "posted," it has had over 200 views, whereas my pictures of neat old buildings, neon, etc. , get maybe 4 or 5 in the same time period. The power of Trek, I guess.
