December 8, 2006

Yo, Santy Clause

Both (sort of) via Boing Boing:

  • The "new" album by the most important (greatest? debatable, although I think so, but without The Beatles, popular music today would be a completely different entity) rock and roll band EVER, The Beatles

    A greatest hits album, and MORE!! Produced by George Martin and his son, Giles, it's Love, the soundtrack being used for the Cirque du Soleil show in Las Vegas. You can hear about twenty seconds of all twenty-six tracks at the official website. It sounds like everything has been remixed (yet again), and it all sounds great. What is old is new again. I'm intrigued by several of the mash-ups: "Eleanor Rigby/Julia (Transition)" (you can only hear the "Eleanor Rigby" section at the official site, but what a great pairing of songs!); "Drive My Car/The Word/What You're Doing" - wow!; "Here Comes The Sun/The Inner Light (Transition)" - very cool. "Strawberry Fields Forever" appears to be a big selling point, as well. Quite a collection of songs. Overwhelming in a way. It's easy to forget how good the Beatles were in the studio and in general.

  • Following Boing Boing's link to The Pop-up Book of Sex (I bet Amazon sells a lot of those this week!), and the accompanying, humorous, 5-second video, this caught my eye:
    It's Alfred Hitchcock: The Master of Suspense: A Pop-up Book. It could be a lot of fun (at least the first time you look through it)!

    That's all - I'm not greedy.
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