November 16, 2006


Results of a quick Sunday drive to Livingston (75 miles N of Houston, 67 miles S of Nacogdoches):

Paging George Jetson:

Corrigan (on the way back home):


  1. So do you just like drive around on the weekends taking pictures of stuff? Cause that sounds really really fun, not to mention makes for an interesting blog. Seriously. I wish I could get my relatives in Kansas to do that, there's a whole world of small town weirdness up there.

    Also, good to see what appears to be a first run movie playing at the Fain.

  2. Yep, pretty much. I started doing it about a month ago when I ran out of things to take pictures of in Nacogdoches/Lufkin. It's a lot of fun. I kind of think of the trips as little adventures. I plan to do Port Arthur/Beaumont this weekend. I can't wait. Kansas would be interesting, no doubt about it.

    Oh yeah, I'm sure Livingstonites will be lining up around the block for Happy Feet!
