November 19, 2006

Galveston by night (and day)

Home, home again:

I nearly missed this ghost:
The Galveston Island on which I grew up once had a nice, upscale downtown shopping area, which included stores such as Eiband's, Nathan's, McCrory's, and a Walgreens with a small, diner-size cafeteria. This is some signage from a department store of the recent past, Levy's.

Note the lit up statue on St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica.

The neon sign by day:

St. Mary's Cathedral

Clarke & Courts sign from the 1930s. The "Strand Lofts" part is new.

By day:

One of, if not the last of, George Mitchell's Mardi Gras arches.

By day, perhaps in a dream:

This is beautiful:

Still lovely, even in the day:
Great old Wrigley's Gum sign, along with one that has been touched up on the Dulitz Furniture building.

By day:

And the old neon sign in front of the Elks Building:

By day:
Sunrise on the Seawall the next morning, when I drove to Port Arthur (recommended by a blog reader), the subject of a future post:

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