November 12, 2006

Realistic childhood goals...

Except for the fact that Gene Roddenberry was never a comodore commodore for Starfleet Command, this is a fairly authentic ID card, yes? And yes, I did wear a Captain Kirk shirt to school on picture day. I lived (happily) in a world of my own imagination, something I've discovered recently I still do.

As far as realistic childhood goals are concerned, my next major one was to be one of the Beatles. Based on that picture, I already had the hair for it.


  1. So this kind of makes you the original Wesley Crusher.

  2. Oh this is just too precious for words!!!

  3. I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or an insult, lisa...

    More like too nerdy for words!

  4. Yeah, I guess that came out kinda harsh eh? I've got nothing against Wesley Crusher. Also I'm no one to talk, having spent much of 4th grade (1979ish) drawing cartoons about Doctor Who and Sarah Jane Smith's love-hate relationship.

  5. lisa, I was kidding. I should have included an emoticon, I guess. And, to me, your 4th grade artwork sounds like a perfectly normal thing to have done. ;)

    I'm wondering where you would have seen Dr. Who back in '79 (PBS?).

  6. Heh. I have this friend who boycotts the emoticons -- but he'll go to the trouble of typing the words "[insert smiley winky face here]"

    Yup, PBS. My mother was a prisoner of public television ... and Sesame Street taught me to read.
