September 28, 2006

Walkin' 'roun' Marshall, Texas

That's the former Harrison County Courthouse (now the Harrison County Historical Museum), which appeared to be in the process of renovation. There were windows boarded up, and a chainlink fence surrounded its perimeter. The whole downtown area around the courthouse seemed seedy and rundown. I was surprised. Marshall is part of the "Wonderland of Lights" event held from Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, in which the courthouse and downtown area are elaborately lit with Christmas lights.

Marshall's contributions to the Confederacy were substantial.

In hoc signo vinces-"In this sign you shall conquer"

The Old Paramount Theatre

Homecoming is serious business in Texas (I think one of those was around $49).

As are gee-tars.

History from:


  1. The "Paramount" looks like the theatre in "The Last Picture Show".

  2. Absolutely! It's what I thought of when I first saw it.
