August 29, 2006

"A veritable clearinghouse of pop culture esoterica"

You know this series of exchanges from The Office (season two, episode 1 of the BBC version)?:
This post is my version of that. I'm the blog of the month in the back to school double issue of Buzz Texas magazine.

That's me(!), on the cover!! No, not really.

If you enlarge the following scan, you'll see that I "spread the wealth." Let me know how it feels to be pulled along on my coattails (wink, wink).

Since that's kind of hard to read, here's the online version. And, I promise to never forget where I came from. All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up, and then I vant to be alone.

Thanks, Kendal!


  1. I just squealed and fell out of my desk chair -- you are such a DOLL!!!

    That just made my day. You're the best pop-culture boyfriend EVER.


  2. How does it feel to be so famous???


  3. I live to make you squeal and fall out of your desk chair. I really do.

    Oh yeah, cheryl, I'm blinded by the camera flashes. And I'm more like El Guapo, I'm in-famous...

  4. Would you say that you had a plethora of camera flashes?

  5. P.S. You really do? Really? There's not even a tidbit of sarcasm there? :P
