July 1, 2006

The final, thrilling episode of Shaw's, in which I rescue a hat

Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!! My girls!!!

For months, I've had my eye on this particular hat:

"Chris...come buy me....."

I've known about the imminent closing, but I had no idea it would be this soon. Luckily, I went in last Tuesday:It's way too small for me! But I have a piece of Shaw's.

Previously on Shaw's:

  • Shaw's

  • Shaws mystery thickens...

  • The days of our Shaw's

  • Clearance = closing?

  • Sun sets on Shaw's


    1. Anonymous11:25 PM

      That is one fly hat!!

    2. I'll miss that store! Good thing you saved that hat!

    3. Oh yeah, I got my souvenir! And it's a really swingin' one.
