April 3, 2006

David Hockney

Slate has a nice, brief "slide-show essay" about British pop artist David Hockney: "David Hockney Is Afraid To Be Alone"

Regular visitors to this blog know my favorite:

Portrait of Nick Wilder (1966)

None of these are included in the slide-show, either:

Beverly Hills Housewife (1966)

A Lawn Being Sprinkled (1967)

A Bigger Splash (1967)

The pictures of the paintings are from the excellent Artchive. I get lost there! God bless whoever maintains it.

The work Hockney did from 66-70 after he first visited America, and specifically, Los Angeles, speaks to me. The retro aspect is appealing, and I love the architecture of the homes in the paintings of that period.

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