March 20, 2006

Jai guru deva om

Back on the 25th anniversary (December 8, 2005) of John Lennon's death, WMFU's blog provided "a dial scan of New York City's FM band from 25 years ago (MP3). It was recorded shortly after the news of John Lennon's murder broke. The recording was made by an unknown listener."

This gives you a sense of what it was like for at least a week after the event. Beatles music was everywhere. If you listen, you'll hear that nearly every station is either playing a John Lennon solo or Beatles tune (one is playing "Blackbird", very much a McCartney song, and "Savoy Truffle", George, is at the beginning), or discussing Lennon's passing.

NYC Radio The Night John Lennon Died

Via Houston Chronicle TechBlog

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